We have carefully curated a collection of inspiring quotes and paired them with original Anne Neilson artwork. Nestled in an acrylic box, these 4x6" cards are perfect for keeping gratitude on display in your home.
There are many physical and emotional benefits to practicing gratitude. From celebrating big milestones to enjoying the simple beauty of everyday life, these cards will help focus your thoughts on being grateful and cultivating more positive energy in the world.
Our standard return policy (for non holiday items) lasts 14 days from the delivery date of your purchase. To be eligible for refund your item must be unused and in the original condition in which you received it. Tags must still be attached. Bralettes, Camis, Leggings, Skincare (including Ambre Blends, Simple Goodness Soaps & Lip Balms) and Makeup are not eligible for returns.
We have carefully curated a collection of inspiring quotes and paired them with original Anne Neilson artwork. Nestled in an acrylic box, these 4x6" cards are perfect for keeping gratitude on display in your home.
There are many physical and emotional benefits to practicing gratitude. From celebrating big milestones to enjoying the simple beauty of everyday life, these cards will help focus your thoughts on being grateful and cultivating more positive energy in the world.